Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I took a stroll

Newstead Park at dusk

Down the avenues I used to walk
Before I took a snooze
One that turned too long
I took a stroll

Spoke to me through my skin
The cool breeze so invigorating
Whispered me, the autumn’s back
Oh, I love her, and the spring

Among the last rays, yellow and pale
Like piles of hay over a misty field
Barred my feet stepping any further
The mountains westward, they glittered

Drizzled down the dusk, so did memories
Juggling emotion as I sauntered home
Through the leaves on the hedge
That danced in the autumn breeze

PS. The above picture of the Newstead Park was not the scenery I that made me write these verses, but the sight of mountains to the northwest of Brisbane seen from a hilly area in Clayfield. I unfortunately did not have a camera with me to capture it, and it lasted only a few minutes before the sun dipped behind the mountains.


  1. The poem is beautiful. It's just too bad you didn't have our camera with you at the time.

  2. i like this composition! it shows that you have the faculty of writing asthe same tallent of cathing eyesalve snaps!!!

  3. I love this poem... Great capture, as well!!

    Glad to see you are back! I've missed the 'view' you share of our world. :)

  4. Hey, welcome back....apparently you were not abducted by aliens!

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words.....but after reading your poem I think it is worth a thousand pictures !

    keep 'em comin ! :)

  5. Nice, very nice..both the picture and your thoughts.

  6. Thanks George. It was a shame I didn't have a camera with me. Hope to capture it one day somehow.

    Thanks dad.

    Thanks Amaris. I was having a time when I couldn't write or read in peace, that's why I was away :) Need peace in mind to bring out the written in me lol...

    Thank you Silent Moments. No! never seen aliens out of space :D Hope I'm 'back for good'.

    Thanks K. As always.

  7. Autumn is indeed back. :) I am loving it too. Brings back a whole new set of memories and fresh inspiration. Love this Sac, it perfectly encapsulates the feeling of walking around in Brisbane. :)


  8. Thanks for dropping by Asanji :) These walks have become a big part of my life now, and I'm enjoying them :)

  9. That's a beautiful poem. And it's great that you are back, you were missing quite some time!

  10. Thanks Freida, good to see you all too after such a long time :)

  11. what a beautiful and inspiring poem, it's really great to take a walk, it exercises not only our body but our heart and mind, the result is so obvious in your beautiful and heartfelt poem.

  12. Very nice poetry on nature - inspiring:)
