It is said that, 'a picture tells a thousand words'. Let's see if it true.
I have been posting lengthy articles lately, and I could not help wondering whether I bore you out reading them. So, let me entertain you with something slightly different. [i.e., if it is entertaining at all :)...]
I tried creating some art with a few pictures that I shot recently. In each of them, I wanted to bring out a meaning.
What kind of thoughts do they bring you? Do they have anything to do with the titles I have given? (I'm sorry if the titles confine your view, try not to let them)

Title: Abduction

Title: Who am I, what am I, what is 'I' ?

Title: War entertains... (Are you not entertained?)

Title: Powerless
Couple of last words;
My view on the photograph "Who am I, what am I, what is 'I' ?"
Have you watched the movie 'The Matrix'. In it, the world the people perceive as the reality is in fact an environment digitally created. They say 'the truth is stranger than fiction'. Think about it, 'The Matrix' movie is a fiction. So then, what about the truth?
My view on the photograph "War entertains... (Are you not entertained?)"
Have you watched the movie, 'The Gladiator'. Can you remember General Maximus asking the crowd, after swiftly dispatching another gladiator inside an arena, 'Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?'. What kind of things do you feel about war, especially when you have something to do with one of the sides fighting it.